
I2P - Creating your own website

Время на прочтение 2 min
Количество просмотров 33K
Good day everyone again!

Today I will try to describe the process of creating my website. eepsite) on an anonymous network I2P.


The creation process is divided into several stages:
  1. Web server installation
  2. Setting up I2P to work with the server
  3. DNS registration
Read more about each of them under the cut

Web server installation.

(Anyone who already has Apache2 can safely skip this section)

The standard delivery of I2P includes a Jetty server, but we will not use it, since it is written in Java (which increases its load on the system) and due to the lack of plug-ins (since we have a LAMP configuration, we need PHP, which connects only through CGI is not good). We will install Apache.
This part varies for different operating systems, so I will describe it separately.
Windows (WAMP):

The easiest way is to use a ready-made server package. There are many of them, such as AppServ, Denwer, TopServer etc. We will install AppServ, but in principle any one will do. They are identical in configuration.
  1. Download AppServ: sourceforge.net/projects/appserv/files (At the time of writing this topic, the latest version is 2.6.0, but it’s better to install 2.5.10, since it has stable PHP5)
  2. Install (A couple of screenshots from under Vine ;) ):

    Selecting the right components:

    Entering server information:
  3. Ready!

Linux (LAMP):

I’ll write a process for Ubuntu, since I think others know how to install Apache :)

Apache2 without additional modules is installed with the command: sudo apt-get install apache2
Then, if needed, PHP and mysql can be delivered: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql

Setting up I2P to work with the server

Go to the tunnel manager:
Create a new server HTTP tunnel:
Getting into the settings:
Now point by point:
  • Name(N) and Description(e) - Simply the name and description of the tunnel. They don't affect anything.
  • Address(H) and Port(P) - The address and port of our web server. We will set to and the port 80.
  • Website Name(W) – The domain on which we plan to host the site.
  • Secret key file (k) - The file in which the key will be stored, which will be used to generate the tunnel address. Advice: After generating the file (size 663 bytes), immediately make a backup copy of it, otherwise, if you lose it, you will lose the domain name. It will be clogged behind you, but you will not have access to it..

Click “Save”. Then “Run”. After launch, go to the tunnel settings and copy the Local destination address (L). It will be useful to us when registering in DNS.

Registration in DNS (optional)

Registration on the site that provides hosts.txt is generally optional, because in I2P DNS is completely distributed. Clients themselves exchange “address books” with each other. But if you want, then... go to the server stats.i2p and enter your host [Website Name(W)] and Local Destination Address(L).

Registration is completed!

Not necessary: add the created host redirect to to the file
Windows: %WINDIR%/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
Linux: /etc/hosts

This way we will indicate to the OS that the site is hosted by us.

Bottom line

Well, now we have a residence in this network. You can set up a torrent tracker, image board, or even something like that there. wikileaks.org. Nobody will find you =).

Other related articles:
I2P – Invisible Internet Project
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Комментарии 45

Comments 45

> Nobody will find you =).

If you turn off your computer at night, your chances of not being found increase. :)
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
If the authorities came to the regular Internet, then why do you think that they won’t come to “your” Internet? It’s strange that they haven’t reached the Fidonet yet, maybe it’s time to run there?

I am requesting topics on how to set up a kittenmail for fracking and dialing to a node :)
Because the IP address is issued by the provider, and the i2p address is issued randomly. The provider will split with the authorities faster than the Great Mighty Random.
Give me hypertext fidonet! :)
How long will my domain name be assigned to me? I hope not forever ;)
so, who will write about nginx?
Are you serious?
Just like Apache 1 in 1. The point is to configure the tunnel on a specific port and not which web server
in Jetty everything is CGI?
«you must be joking?»

this is a servlet container.
Probably the prankster authors of the server are calling cgi people from servlets there.
and why does this mean that “everything is CGI”»?
what exactly is meant by “everything”»?
> since it is written in Java (which increases its load on the system)

What a horror, Java! The non-blocking mode of Jetty looks especially “unfavorable” in comparison with Apache (which, of course, is as light as a feather).
I have been interested in such networks for a long time.
But the question is still tormented: where does the client get the “site directory?”»?
Those. initially there must be some kind of server where all clients come knocking.
+ With each new client release, a fresh hosts.txt is included.
What if they shut down this host? what to do in this case?
Most distributed networks operating on top of the Tyrnet still depend on some host that they can cover up. Tracker for torrents, for example.
A radical solution to this problem is proposed in Netsukuku.
so the servers are in the .i2p zone! so it's not clear where they are... if I understand the i2p idea correctly
Give me your underground Habr! With endless karma and commentators!
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
Ban trolls.
By IP, yeah.
Maybe it would be better to create a collective I2P blog? Or with a general name, for similar networks?
>go to the stats.i2p server and enter your host [Website Name(W)] and Local Destination Address(L).
>The server is a regular http with a hosts.txt file that is periodically updated.

those. Special services connecting to i2p will find me (the site owner) by IP?

But what about the torrent? Is data transferred directly from the client to the client? if so, then special services seeding the content can determine the ip of many downloaders.
[Website Name(W)] and Destination Local Address(L). < - where do you see the IP here??
Local destination address (L) - not ip, but a base64 address issued when creating the tunnel.
There have already been lawsuits against users distributing torrents.
It is no coincidence that the owners of sharereactor and others offer the bourgeoisie inexpensive VPNs for torrents..
> There are many of them, such as AppServ, Denwer, TopServer, etc... in principle, any will do
Denwer was never positioned as such a server. It is used for debugging scripts on localhost and even the author himself does not recommend using it as a public server. This is due to the fact that its default configuration is not secure. I don’t know how it is now, but I used to get a shell from the machine when people similarly installed denwer without thinking about it. Just to www.localhost could be accessed remotely. And this is probably not the only bug. It is better to abandon Denver as a public server or reconfigure it.
I don’t know how it is now, but most likely it remains that way.
> Windows: .../etc/hosts
> Linux: /etc/hosts

Good morning
Surprise, surprise! Windows uses the BSD TCP/IP stack.
Great! A large and bulky Apache, suffering from memory devouring, instead of a lightweight Jetty. If you want a server Then you need to install nginx, if you want a server written in C.
Give "503 Gateway Timeout"»!
you give -100MB of memory for 10 processes!
Why is there a yellow unknown thing in the picture preparing to take some white pellets intranasally??
I stuck with their logo for a long time. I came to the conclusion that this is an anonymous person hiding behind an unknown yellow garbage.
And in general, comrades from Khabra, let’s not start a server scam. The instructions (except for the 1st part) are suitable for any server.
>> Go to the tunnel manager:
Hmm... As a result, I have open port 7657?!
Describe this moment in more detail, otherwise the article has taken on the form:
1. We install the server
2. ?????
Grrr... Stupid habit…

Alternatively, give a clear hint to go to this article
Help me test my new service: i2proxy.com. It is needed to take a regular website and make an i2p proxy for it. As a result, the site will open on the I2P network.

After this, you can block access to the site from the regular Internet, leave access only from I2P and voila! - you have an anonymous website (eepsite), the location of which cannot be tracked and the domain of which cannot be disabled.

And the service I2Proxy.com needed so as not to configure and keep your own I2P router constantly on.
service is closed?
and the author has apparently already been tied up
From 12 years old…
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